Sunday, September 15, 2013

Soft Shell Tacos

I am big on Mexican food.  If I could eat Mexican food every day, I would be a happy camper.  However, eating out every day would make me broke, so I have to make my own Mexican food.  A favorite of mine are soft tacos, or hard shell tacos if that is what you like.  With me being a fatty, I like soft shell tacos because you can fit more food in them.  Here are my steps for delicious soft shell tacos.  
  • Pick the kind of meat you want…chicken, steak, pork, etc.
  • Fully cook the steak and then slice into smaller pieces.  The seasoning is your choice.  I like to use taco seasoning in the packet
  •  While the steak is cooking, you can grate the cheese, heat the beans, and chop the lettuce and tomatoes
  •  Use black beans and heat them fully
  • In the oven, warm the flour tortillas in aluminum foil for a couple minutes
  •  If desired, use sour cream, salsa and guacamole

Once all the ingredients are cooked, it is time to assemble your tacos.  How you assemble your taco is up to you.  I always like to pile on the ingredients and over stuff the taco…that’s the fat kid in me! 

The total cook time, including preparation, is around 1 hour.  But when all is said and done, you have a delicious meal for two or more people in a short amount of time.

This recipe is so simple, my boyfriend made these for me the other night.  In the time it took me to get ready and take the 15 minute drive to his house, I showed up right as the tacos were being assembled.  This recipe really is so easy a cave man could do it.  

1 comment:

  1. When I first looked at this post I thought it was going to be a recipe to actually MAKE the soft taco shells. Have you ever made your own? That could be another post for your blog. Another idea I had was if you made GIFs of people taking a first bite of your cooking.
